Sunday, February 22, 2009

Walk In Their Shoes

The man stood in front of us, shaken by heart-wrenching memories of growing up as an orphan. He recounted family after family that had taken him in, only to get rid of him after a short time. He stared down the teenagers in the audience and held their gaze.
"Let me tell you something. I would have given ANYTHING to have parents that always 'got into my business.' All the people I stayed with didn't give a FLIP about me, or my friends, or anything I was doing. So, when you're parents ask you all those annoying questions, just remember, they're asking because they care!"

I remember being in the audience watching this man, convicted of how blessed I was to have parents that cared.
Tonight, I passed along the following advice to our teens and their families (based on the above story):
  • If your parents ask questions, it's because they care.
  • Feel free to grill your parents about what they are doing, who they're hanging out with, and what time they will be back! (They should be open and honest, too!)
  • If something is "not anybody's business," then it's probably not good business.
  • As you get to know each other, do activities together that let every family member be a HERO. (Don't just do activities where Dad or Son are good at something, but let everyone excel!)
  • Jesus is our ultimate example of "walking in someone else's shoes." We should seek to know our families the way he sought (and seeks) to know us.

I hope you appreciate your family, and seek to "walk in their shoes." Get to know them. Appreciate their different-ness. Ask lots of questions!


Judy said...

I hope the teens gained something from the lesson. Also, as parents we can continue to care and talk with our children, even when they're grown. They can ask us what we're doing and how our lives are going. We all need people to care about our souls. Love ya

Anonymous said...

Thanks Franklin for another great post!
I hope people were challenged and I hope some parents were comforted. I think some parents need permission to get into their teens life. Our culture beats into us that teens are not children and they need to make decisions for themselves. Actually they starve for guidance. Thanks Franklin!