Wednesday, January 09, 2008

NCYM: Part One

My apologies to those of you who have been waiting SO patiently for my next blog!! The next two were actually written during NCYM, but I will post them now. Enjoy!

January 3, 2008

NCYM 2008 has been fantastically uplifting so far. Last night carried the challenge to be thankful in ministry instead of dwelling on the negatives. Buddy Bell said that the Bible talks to much about thankfulness that it MUST hurt God when we fail to be thankful in our lives.

Shane Claiborne (whose book “Irresistible Revolution” I finished reading a week ago) had a fantastic lesson about “what if we really took Jesus’ words seriously?” He talked about getting down and dirty with the people that are rejected by society and showing a new kind of love to the world.

Probably the funniest moment so far was earlier when Jeff Walling asked for volunteers from each Christian college represented. He wanted them to text a message (which was a Bible verse) to his cell phone and see who could do it the fastest.

Our friend Tom Dahlman went to Freed-Hardeman, so when Jeff asked if he had left out any college, we yelled out, “Freed!”

Now, for those who don’t know, Freed is a pretty conservative college.

So, Tom went up and they were given a verse (from the New International Version) to text. When Jeff asked what was taking them all so long, Tom replied with a dead-serious look on his face, “It’s because I’m texting the verse in the King James Version!!”

The whole crowd erupted in laughter.

Later, I told my buddy, “Hey, Tom, do you realize that you now have Jeff Walling’s cell phone number?” (He LOVES listening to Jeff Walling speak, so he was thrilled!)

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