Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Losing Weight and Following God

At the beginning of the year, I mentioned that I was on a crusade to change the way I look at food and exercise. So far I've done pretty well. 15 pounds lost so far and I feel lots better than during the holidays. There are some things that strike me as I look back that I think apply to spiritual life as well...
  1. It's easier to gain weight than lose it. Following sin and following Christ are much the same way. Sometimes it just seems easier to give in to sin instead of following Christ.
  2. What takes one day to gain might take one week to lose. I came home after the Tulsa workshop and freaked out because I had gained three pounds! It was so disappointing because I remembered how hard I had worked to lose that weight! Sometimes one bad decision can follow us for years. It's not that God can't wipe it out, but the consequences may still be with us. I MUST weigh my decisions and my words.
  3. The pressure to overeat is everywhere. Food Network is one of my favorite channels. I know it's weird when you are "dieting" but it's true! I also LOVE to watch commercials to see what fast-food chain has new offerings on its menu! Also, I don't know if you've noticed, but all the donuts and cakes are at the FRONT of the grocery stores! I know that God is everywhere, but so is temptation. God gives us the freedom to choose Him or not, but that does not mean that sin is the same way. Satan won't just let us make our own choice...he'll throw every tempation he can at us!! The good news is that God's help is more powerful than worldly pressure, if we allow God's power to work.
  4. My attitude must change, and not just my actions. I've done this many times before, and failed because I felt like I let myself down when I stopped exercising or ate too much. Instead of "getting back on the wagon" I would beat myself up and tell myself that I was a failure. Last week (in Tulsa) I did not work out and ate too much a few times. But you know what? I'm back in the gym this week and I won't let ONE failure define me! In our spiritual lives, we cannot let ONE failure keep us from seeking God! Just because you failed once (or more) does not mean that you are evil and can never follow God again! Get up, dust yourself off, and get your heart for God back in shape!

I'm sure I'll keep learning. I pray I can stay on track, not only in my struggle with weight, but also in my struggle with sin.


drjimwhite said...

Now I'm hungry after reading your blog. Great thoughts. JW

Theresa Michelle said...

What an encouragement it is to read you going through the same thing I am! I always felt like people think it's weird to see eating/overeating as a spirituality issue, but for me it totally is! The physical and spiritual are so tied together, your actions are always a reflection of the heart! Thanks for breaking taboos, being honest and such an encouragement for me.

Shane Coffman said...

Great spiritual parallels, Franklin.

And, although I didn't tell you face to face, I want you to know that I noticed how much weight you had lost between last May when I first met you and this month when I saw you in Omaha. You're looking great! Way to go!

Judy said...

I copied this blog so I can share it with the ladies in prison. Thanks for helping with my lessons. Mom

Anonymous said...

I've struggled with my weight since quitting soccer over 4 years ago. I went from 170 pounds to 212 in that span. My wife runs professional track and so I have the added pressure to look good. I've started Weight Watchers and it has really helped me. I'm losing 1 pound a week but I have changed my eating and workout habits. Keep up the good work and I think WW is the AA for fat people like me!