OK, so I've received a few comments about my last post. Several of you are concerned, and I thank you for checking up on me!
However, I should let you know that I am not depressed! Our marriage is NOT in trouble, nor do I have any serious condition. My wife and I HAVE been talking...I probably should never have put her in this equation! My point was supposed to be that I feel like I have been neglecting some relationships in my life, including my wife, my son, and the teenagers from my church.
All the other stuff is quite true, though. The heartburn, the restless nights. I am trying to capture how I feel when I am very overweight.
So, I hope I didn't scare you too badly! But please understand that I am NOT depressed...I am DETERMINED!! This is just a little experiment to compare the way I felt over the holidays (stuffed, sluggish, sick) and see how I feel after we begin to make some changes.
By the way, we have started working out this week and eating better (smaller portions, but more meals per day.) I feel IMMEDIATE results...I am actually HUNGRY, and not just eating because it is lunchtime. The heartburn has almost disappeared.
I want to continue to see how my body reacts and feels. Sorry for scaring you. Hope you aren't too scared to journey with me!!
Love you all. God bless. Franklin
I'm glad to know things are fine but you're focused on getting healthy. It must be a "guy" thing because James reacts the same way when he's feeling "out of shape". We miss you guys and wish we could get "determined" like you are so we could get in a healthy lifestyle. Take care and know you're loved!
Just so you know you're not alone...
My metabolism seems to be starting that mid-life change. I am gaining weight at a rate I have never been able to do before. Now, if it would just gain in my arms and legs that would be great, but, no, it all has to migrate toward my mid-section.
I need to become (more) disciplined about running, and I probably need to begin a shift in my diet from the junk I could eat all I wanted of when I was younger to what I'm going to need to be eating if I want to live a lot longer (and I do).
It's a lesson in discipline. There are spiritual applications waiting to be uncovered. Right after I finish this Twinkie for breakfast...
P.S. Thanks for the link ;-)
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