I just wrote two posts, but decided neither was "good enough" to publish. I saved one as a draft...who knows? Maybe I will put it online one of these days.
Why do I feel the need to publish "the perfect article" on my own blog? Why the need for perfection?
I guess I want other people to identify with me...with my thoughts and feelings. I want people to comment on my blog and say, "I know how that feels!" I want people to say, "Great post, man!"
I wish I wasn't cursed with this need for affirmation! It's around me all the time! Is this a good sermon? Did I make that person laugh? Have I changed someone's life today?
Wish humanity wasn't infected with the "Am I good enough?" disease.
You said:
I wish I wasn't cursed with this need for affirmation.
My reply:
I know how that feels! I've discovered as I've entered into ministry that my "job results" are no longer as tangible as I'm used to, therefore I find myself craving affirmation from those around me. It's hard to turn that over to God and not worry about it.
Great post, man!
Hi Franklin. I hope you are enjoying your new home.
First thought: I can relate. I think all of us feel that way in some form or another. I mean we all seek the Father's approval that's why we try to justify everything, right?
Over the last few years I'm getting to a point where I care, but I don't. I mean deep down inside I still long for the 'love of man', but more and more I find myself doing things because I think they're right or on the flip side I don't think there is anything wrong with it.
Anyway, keep the thoughts coming. I'll read anything you post and won't judge you for it. We haven't met yet, but I look forward to seeing you at church sometime.
P.S. Enjoyed your sermon a few weeks ago when you ran everyone off. My wife mentioned that she heard you a while back and you reminded her of her brother. He’s also a minister. That’s a good thing I think. LOL.
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