Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thankful Thursday

"Hey, what do you think about this scripture?"
"Franklin, God has better things in store for you."
"Dude, how is your marriage?"

They constantly challenge and push me. They ask personal questions that make me squirm, but then make me grateful that someone asked to keep me straight. We laugh and laugh when we are together at retreats and rallies. Some of our favorite things to discuss are God, the Bible and teenagers. They have walked with me through the best times...and they have watched over me in dark times.

Today, I am thankful for my ministry friends. (I apologize in advance...I'm sure I'll forget several great people!)

Youth Ministers: Tim Hall, Tom Dahlman, Todd Brumley, Dave Blanchard, Philip Quelle, Trent Baker, Jesse Anderson, Bryan Johnston, Rick Odell, Bobby Kern

Pulpit, Worship, and "Other": Jim White, Rusty Tugman, Lanny Jobe, Randy Johns, Jim Tuttle, Dudley Chancey, Shane Coffman, Robert Cox, Kerry Cox, Ricky Gootam

Can't forget those Superwomen (I mean, "Administrative Asssistants!"): Patty Coffman, Jamie Schoonover

These folks are active (and for the most part, paid) ministers. They understand what other paid guys go through. They are "in the fields" working and blessing many people.
Be sure to tell some of your favorite youth ministers/ministers/secretaries "Thank you" today!

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