Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Day 6

Tracy doesn't know I'm writing on my blog right now. She thinks I'm working on my novel. It is hilarious. She is seated at the computer (I'm on my laptop) with headphones on her ears (so as not to disturb me) dancing and loudly singing along with Natalie Grant!!

Fischer peed on me tonight. Yeah. He must have lifted his diaper and just squirted right into my lap! He was being so bad. After his bath, I left him for one second to change my clothes, came back and he had the toilet plunger on his face. I think he was singing into it like a microphone, but I don't remember because I screamed and jerked it away from him. I hope tomorrow is a better day for him.

I managed to get up early and write quite a bit this morning. I added a little bit on tonight, so my current total is 7,102 words. I think I'm supposed to be at about 10,000 but I'll take what i can get until after the youth rally is over this weekend.

Please be praying for everyone who will be traveling here this weekend. At last count, we had around 211 pre-registered. I am totally stoked about this and have been praying that God will show up and blow our minds at this rally. And I believe He will.


Karen said...

This will be the first Akastasia we've missed since moving. I hope you all have a blast. Countdown to Akastasia 2010, when we will be able to attend without flying in!

Shane Coffman said...

Have a great, Apirit-filled and challenging weekend!

Shane Coffman said...

That would be, "Spirit-filled".

Apparently typing is challenging enough for me...

drjimwhite said...

Shane, I just thought you were using the French term for the word "Spirit."

One Observationist said...

Hey man,

How's the writing going? I'm a little behind.

I was poking around on the internet and came across the church where Max Lucado is a minister; http://www.oakhillschurchsa.org/.

Wouldn't it be cool if we could make Southwest a church like this. I mean I think it is already headed down that path, but when I saw all the things that the Oak Hills church was involved with I thought about Southwest. We've got a good thing going and I wonder how we can help make it better.