Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Family Fotos

We got some new pics from "Uncle John." This is him and Fischer together at a little family shindig we had recently.

We had a great time taking pictures, watching Fischer laugh, and playing board games. Uncle John takes some pretty good pictures, and Aunt Emily seems to have a knack for making Fischer crack up.

Our family is such a great support for us. I don't know what we would do if we didn't have them! In fact, some are coming this weekend to help us paint our house before we sell it. Then, they will come to Omaha to help us unload our stuff into our new house! Tracy's folks are joining in the fun the week after that, when Tracy will shift into high gear on home decorating (and probably yard work for me and the father-in-law!)

We are so grateful for our family...not just their physical help or monetary support, but knowing that they will love us no matter where we end up! They want the best for us. They want us to be happy as a family and joyful in our jobs. I'm so glad that God puts us in families (either real or adopted) that care for us and look out for us!


carrie said...

We are praying for a smooth transition for you guys! Keep us up to date!

Rick said...

Dude... when is your first day on the job at SW? Soul Quest starts June 18 and goes for the entire week... you should come and bring some kids!