Wednesday, March 09, 2011


This is a funny video that illustrates some serious truths...

What would people see/hear in YOUR heart?
At this year's National Conference on Youth Ministries, I was really impacted by one of the speaker's questions. He said, "What would your children say if I asked them to list the top five people that you loved?"
'Good question!' I thought. 'I think I would do pretty good!'
Then, he brought the point home...
"...would Jesus make that list?"
Can people REALLY tell what's important to me without me having to REASSURE them?

When I look at others, do I just see what everybody else sees? Or do I see what's in their heart?
"How's work? What's the weather like there?"
Really? THAT is all we've got to talk about?
While small talk is necessary (when you run out of things to say) it shouldn't be the ONLY conversations that you have! I want to know others deeply (and for them to know me.) I want to know what makes their heart race, and what makes it stop in fear. I want to be able to help when there's a problem, instead of asking, once again, if they've seen any good movies lately.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

What Faith Can Do By Kutless

I've decided to do "The Week of Videos!"
Feeling very blessed today. Blessed to have a relationship with God. I feel like God will stand beside me no matter what obstacles I face, and even when I let myself get in the way.
I love what our preacher, Jim White, said today about David and Goliath..."We've got the story all wrong. We say, 'Poor David,' but it was GOLIATH that NEVER STOOD A CHANCE!"
And, that story illustrates what faith can do...

Friday, March 04, 2011

Little Changes

When you look at the same thing every day, and things start to change, you will notice the change!

Yes, this is a little update on my P90Xperiment!
I'm into Week 5. I have not lot lost a lot of weight (probably only 4 or 5 lbs.) And, I have cheated several times on diet and skipped several workouts because I was on vacation.
But, I am noticing a change!
It starts when you take a second look at yourself in the mirror. You notice that one of your chins is missing. Then, as the excitement builds, you notice one or two less rolls in the ole tummy! Your neck...even your fat fingers start to look different.
To someone who doesn't see you all the time, the change may seem rather small, even non-existent.
I can feel the change. I can feel myself getting stronger. I can stretch further than I've stretched before. I don't tire as easily.

If you are working at improving some aspect of your life, the best evaluator is YOU!
An ancient Greek scholar (we're not sure who) came up with the wise phrase: KNOW THYSELF.
YOU are the best one to evaluate yourself, because you know who you are!
Too often we base our evaluations on the opinions or results of others.
"Honey, I just don't see how this is helping..."
"Well, when I did it, I lost 175 lbs, so you're SURE to have similar results!"

If I compare myself to Tony Horton (creator of P90X), then I'm a miserable failure! But if I compare myself to where I was, then I'm no longer a couch potato, and this is good!
The Bible puts it this way, "Each one should test his own actions. Then he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else, for each one should carry his own load." (Galatians 6:4-5)

Are you down on yourself? Quit comparing yourself to someone else! Learn to see the little changes and be proud!